Tobacco - Electronic Cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes are battery operated devices that heat and vaporize liquid containing nicotine and other toxins.
Electronic cigarette users inhale and exhale a mix of gases and tiny particles carrying toxins into their lungs and into the air around them, forcing others to breathe in these tiny aerosols.
Contrary to popular belief, electronic cigarettes affect our environment and the individuals in it. In fact, research has shown that just five minutes of e-cigarette use has similar effects on the lungs as smoking a regular cigarette. Additionally, airways become obstructed and inflamed for those who use electronic cigarettes containing nicotine.
Pod based e-cigarettes contain nicotine salt, which is less harsh to the lungs and throat allowing users to take larger hits of these products. However, the nicotine levels greatly surpass that of traditional cigarettes. One pod contains more nicotine than an entire pack of traditional cigarettes.
These products are becoming popular with teens and young adults for their sleek look, variety of flavors, and ease of access.

E-cigs emit toxic chemicals, including:
Propylene glycol (lung and eye irritant)
Formaldehyde and B-nicotyrine (cancer-causing agents)
Metal and silicate particles (toxic to human cells)
Nicotine (addictive and harmful to unborn babies)
There are currently no regulations on manufacture and sale.