Harm Reduction Program
Harm reduction is a set of ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with substance misuse for individuals, their families and communities by meeting people where they are. The practice extends to many services including disease prevention, syringe exchange, safer use practices and linking people to housing, food access, insurance, medical care, substance use treatment and behavioral health services. Harm reduction practices are used by everybody, every day. -Kentucky Department for Public Health
The Marshall County Health Department has naloxone available to the public, at no charge. Also, we can provide linkages to critical services such as substance use treatment options, HIV and viral hepatitis screenings, vaccinations and social and behavioral health services.
The website FindNaloxoneNowKY.org has a wealth of information on how to use Naloxone, general opioid information and resources for overdose prevention.
If you are interested in receiving naloxone or information about other services in our area, please contact Rebecca Kindhart at 270-252-2725 or rebecca.kindhart@mchpd.org
How to Use Naloxone Nasal Spray
Naloxone is life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. It can restore normal breathing within 2 – 3 minutes in a person whose breath has slowed or even stopped. Naloxone will not harm someone if they are overdosing on drug other than opioids. – CDC Lifesaving Naloxone
Safe Needle Disposal
If you do not have a sharps container, there are safe ways to dispose of needles. Visit SafeNeedleDisposal.org to learn about local disposal sites and how to safely dispose of used needles.
Reducing Stigma
One in 7 Americans report experiencing a substance use disorder. There is not one driving factor that leads to addiction. Addiction is a treatable disease and not a character flaw. Overcoming a substance use disorder is not as simple as resisting the temptation to take drugs through willpower alone. Recovery can be challenging, but it is possible. Once recovery is achieved, relapse may happen. Often relapse is a sign that more treatment, or a different treatment is needed. CDC Understanding Addiction to Support Recovery
Page last reviewed 4-25-2024