
Child Safety Seats

Do you know if your child’s safety seat is installed correctly?

Did you know?

  • Nationally, 96% of adults feel they have properly installed child passenger seats in their cars.
  • Nationally, seven out of 10 installed safety seats inspected are improperly installed and/or the seat itself has been recalled by the manufacturer.
  • Locally, inspection sites throughout Western Kentucky discover problems in more than nine out of 10 installations.

What you can do…

Marshall County Health Department has certified technicians available for child safety seat inspections-by appointment only. Periodic safety inspection stations are also available at our local health centers and during community events.

Need a safety seat or need to replace one?

Marshall County Health Department provides car seat safety education and installation-by appointment only– to parents and guardians that have legal residence inside the counties we serve.

If you are interested in this program, please contact us at 270-252-2725 and ask about our child safety seat program.